Capgemini Salesforce Hackathon Oct-2018

Description: Salesforce application which covers the following scenarios with the tools and technologies given below: List of records in first of the page, upon selecting a record, the details of it needs to be shown in the lower half using Lightning. List of records shown, with the new edit and delete functionality in Lightning. List of records, Functionality to select multiple records and update with a single value and delete multiple records at a time in lightning. Tools/Technology Usages: SFDC, APEX, Salesforce Lightning, CSS. I secure 27 rank in Capgemini Salesforce Hackathon 2018 in Round 2. Prerequisites: Salesforce provides free developer account where you can develop applications for free. free developer account will be created through the URL Steps to create a free developer account in (Salesforce login) 1. First, you have a valid email Id. 2. Login to h...