Dynamic Programming
What is dynamic programming?
It is a way of making your algorithm more efficient by storing some of the intermediate results and it works really well when your algorithm has a lot of repetitive computations. So that you don't have to repeat those computations over and over again.
I'm gonna give you a concrete example of how it works with Fibonacci Sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ....).
Let see how we can solve the problem using dynamic programming. There are typically three steps you can take:
1. Recursion.
2. Store (Memoize).
3. Bottom-up.
Recursion solution
// this function return the value of Fibonacci Sequence at n position
if(n ==1 || n==2)
return 1;
return (fibSeq(n-1) + fibSeq(n-2));
// Let call this function return value 5 fastly
// Return 6765 value pretty quickly on my computer
// Return value 9227465 it takes 5 to 6 seconds on my computer
So it's obviously not the most efficient.
Recursion solution
public static int fibSeq(int n) {// this function return the value of Fibonacci Sequence at n position
if(n ==1 || n==2)
return 1;
return (fibSeq(n-1) + fibSeq(n-2));
// Let call this function return value 5 fastly
// Return 6765 value pretty quickly on my computer
// Return value 9227465 it takes 5 to 6 seconds on my computer
So it's obviously not the most efficient.
Memoized solution
public static int fibSeq_2(int n, int[] memo) {int result = 0;
// this function return the value of Fibonacci Sequence at n position
if(memo[n] != 0)
return memo[n];
if(n == 1 || n == 2)
result = 1;
return (fibSeq_2(n-1, memo) + fibSeq_2(n-2, memo));
memo[n] = result;
return result;
public static int fibMemo(n){
int[] memo = new int[n+1];
return fibSeq_2(n, memo);
// Let call this function return value 5 fastly
// Return value 9227465 value quickly on my computer
// Return a recursive error
// Return a recursive error
Because there are too many recursive calls on a call stack and to fix that we can just use the bottom-up approach and the advantage of using a bottom-up approach is that we don't have to put any recursive calls on a call stack.
Bottom-up solution
public static int fibSeqBottom_up(int n) {
// this function return the value of Fibonacci Sequence at n position
if(n == 1 || n == 2)
return 1;
int[] bottom_up = new int[n+1];
bottom_up[1] = 1;
bottom_up[2] = 1;
for(int count=0; count < bottom_up.length; count++){
bottom_up[count] = bottom_up[count-1] + bottom_up[count-2];
return bottom_up[n];
// Let call this function
// Return a 9227465 value quickly on my computer
// Return a 1556111435 value pretty quickly on my computer
// pretty instantaneous
// Return a 9227465 value quickly on my computer
// Return a 1556111435 value pretty quickly on my computer
// pretty instantaneous
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