AVL (Adelson-Velskii and Landis) Trees
What is AVL Tress?
A binary tree is said to be an AVL Tree if:
- It is a binary search tree.
- For any node, the height of left subtree of node and height of right subtree of node differ by at most 1.
Minimum/Maximum number of Nodes in AVL Tree
Let the height of an AVL Tree is h and N(h) indicate the number of nodes in AVL Tree.
Minimum number of nodes with height h is: N(h) = N(h-1) + N(h-2) + 1
N(h-1) indicates the minimum number of nodes with height h-1.
N(h-2) indicates the minimum number of nodes with height h-2.
AVL Tree Declaration
The declaration of AVL is similar to that of BST (Binary Search Tree). We include the height sldo as a part of a declaration.
public class AVLTree {
int key, height;
AVLTree left, right;
AVLTree (int data) {
key = d;
height = 1;
public int findHight(AVLTree root) {
if(root == null)
return -1;
return root.height;
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